What is Mortgage Protection?

What is Mortgage Protection Insurance? Mortgage protection insurance supports you in case you become involuntarily unemployed or are unable to work due to illness or disability. It is considered prudent to ensure that you can continue to meet your commitment and...

What is Contents Insurance?

What is BuildingĀ Contents Insurance? Content insurance covers the contents of your home in the event they are destroyed, damaged or stolen. It is separate from property insurance. It may or may not cover items that are not always housed in your home, eg, a...

What is a fixed rate loan?

What is a fixed-interest rate loan? These loans are set at a fixed interest rate for a specified period (usually one to five years). The advantage of this type of loan is that it allows you to organise your finances and repayments without the risk of rising interest...

What is a variable loan?

What is a variable or variable-interest rate loan? These loans are the most common type available for mortgages or real estate purchases. The variable rate refers to the interest rate applied to repayments, which is not locked in at a set rate, but varies with the...